Sunday, December 29, 2019

Student Presentation Skills Recognized at the Society-Wide Mic...

Student Presentation Skills Recognized at the Society-Wide Mic... Student Presentation Skills Recognized at the Society-Wide Mic... Student Presentation Skills Recognized at the Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology ForumNearly 50 students from universities throughout the world took part in this years Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Houston, Texas. Forty-seven students from universities around the world took part in this years Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum, the annual poster presentation session at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition that gives students the opportunity to sharpen their presentation skills and compete for cash prizes.This year, eight students were recognized for their efforts and shared more than $3,500 in prizes. Prizes for this years forum, which took distribution policy on Nov. 17 at the Hilton of the Americas in Houston, were spon sored by three ASME technical divisions the Heat Transfer Division, the Materials Division, and the Bioengineering Division. (Left to right) Hadi Ghasemi from the University of Houston, the session chair for the Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum, with ASME President Julio Guerrero and Teng Zhang, winner of a $500 prize from the Heat Transfer Division.Teng Zhang, a student from the University of Notre Dame, was selected as the winner of one of two $500 prizes from the Heat Transfer Division for his poster presentation, Thermal Transport Across Hydrogen Bonded Hard-Soft Interfaces. Shanshan Xu, from the University of Colorado Boulder, received a second $500 prize from the Heat Transfer Division for her presentation, Influences of Screen Mesh Wicking Structure on the Performance of Ultra-thin Thermal Ground Planes. Shanshan Yao of North Carolina State University received a $500 prize from the Materials Division for her poster, Silver Nanowire Enabled Wearable Sensors. Michae l Wang of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign also won a $500 prize from the Materials Division prize for his poster, Elastic Strain Engineering of Atomically-Thin Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Using Thermally-Activated Shape Memory Polymers for Novel Optoelectronic Applications. ASME President Julio Guerrero (left) with Shanshan Yao of North Carolina State University, who received a $500 prize from the Materials Division at the Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum. Yuta Kurashina of Keio University in Tokyo, Japan, was selected as the winner of a $500 prize from the ASME Bioengineering Division for his presentation, Resonance Vibration and Temperature Modulation Enhances Detachment from Cultivation Substrate. Peyman Irajizad of the University of Houston and Justus Ndukaife of Purdue University also received $500 each for their posters Micro/Nano Structuring by Small-Scale Magnetic-Capillary Waves and Hybrid Electroplasmonic Nanotweezer (HENT) Shaping the Future of Nanomanipulation, respectively. Yuta Kurashina (right) of Keio University in Japan, winner of the Bioengineering Divisions $500 prize, with ASME President Julio Guerrero.An eighth participant, Biao Hu of China University of Petroleum in Beijing, won a $200 gift card and a certificate as the recipient of a special Audience Choice Award for his poster presentation Analysis of Gas Hydrate Formation in Subsea External Sleeve Choke.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your Workload

What To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your WorkloadWhat To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your WorkloadWhat To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your WorkloadHeres a scenario Your babo emails you about a project she wants to hand over to you, one that had always been her responsibility. Adding insult to injury, its not even part of your regular job. (Example Youre a graphic designer who makes print ads, and your boss wants you to write press releases...wheres the connection?).She wants you to do this because shes swamped with other, mora important things (not because its part of your workload, or because itll benefit or challenge you). The problem here? Youre just as swamped as she is, and cant see how youll be able to fit this new project into your schedule.This is where prioritizing your workload becomes hugely important. You know youre swamped, but you dont know exactly how bogged down you are unless you have a clear outline that proves it. By outlining your priorities, you can determi ne if you can handle this new project, or if you have to push back and ask your boss to come up with another solution. Heres howCreate a list of everything youre working on, plus everything youve been tasked to do as soon as you finish those projects.Note how long each task will take you to complete, then try to find some wiggle room in the list. It helps to know when the new project needs to be completed, along with an estimate of how much time itll suck out of your day(s). Your boss should be able to provide that information.If you cant find a good place for it, and you dont have the power to decide if you can delay another project in favor of completing the new one, youll have to request your bosss input. Send her the list you created above and simply ask Where do you think this fits in so I can properly prioritize my projects?With luck, youll get a thoughtful response and your boss will have settled the prioritization for you. Otherwise, shell tell you to use your best judgment and youre back to step 2. In that case, youll just have to suck it up and make it work

Friday, December 20, 2019

Industry Advisory Meeting Advances ASMEs Mission in Washingto...

Industry Advisory Meeting Advances ASMEs Mission in Washingto... Industry Advisory Meeting Advances ASMEs Mission in Washingto... ASMEs Mission Advances at Industry Advisory Board Spring Meeting in WashingtonMay 11, 2018 Dr. Lloyd Whitman (at podium), Principal Assistant Director, Physical Sciences and Engineering, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, addresses the attendees of the ASME Industry Advisory Board spring meeting.Fifty-five representatives from industry, government, and academia, ASME leadership and staff, and a host of special guest speakers took part in the ASME Industry Advisory Board (IAB) 2018 spring meeting, which welches held April 9-10 in Washington, D.C.The discussion focused on ways the IAB member companies can better engage related to ASMEs strategic technology areas bioengineering, clean energy, pressure technology, advanced manufacturing and robotics. The meeting began with a dinner at Charlie Palmer Steak, and continued the next day at the R eserve Officers Association on Capitol Hill.At the dinner, ASME President Charla Wise provided opening remarks, and IAB Chair Tommy Gardner, chief technology officer at HP Federal, introduced the following speakers Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) Dr. Lloyd Whitman, Principal Assistant Director, Physical Sciences and Engineering, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Shirish Pareek, founder and vice chairman of Hydraulex Global.Rep. Takano, the co-chair of the Congressional Maker Caucus, spoke about the upcoming Congressional Maker Faire, which will be held in June on Capitol Hill. As a former classroom teacher, Takano expressed the importance of scientific and engineering corporations getting involved with local schools, especially those in more economically depressed areas, to help educate the scientific and engineering workforce in the future. He also said more makerspaces should be developed in communities to encourage the process of producing and making items an d that libraries are one type of space for doing so. For more information about the Maker Caucus, follow MakerCaucus on Twitter.Dr. Whitman of OSTP is on detail from his position as Chief Scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Dr. Whitman indicated that roughly 55 staff members currently make up the current OSTP, which is roughly the saatkorn size that OSTP was under the George W. Bush administration and during other administrations early in their second year. Dr. Whitman provides senior leadership to OSTP and the National Science and Technology Council for a broad range of science and technology (S&T) areas and national research and development programs, including advanced manufacturing, information technology, and nanotechnology. He also supports the National Security Council with subject matter expertise related to future electronics and U.S. semiconductor industry competitiveness. Alex Gray, special assistant to the president for the Defense Ind ustrial Base, White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, discussed the offices endeavors during its first year as well as its priorities for the rest of 2018. Dr. Whitman explained that OSTP is focused on supporting the presidents priorities in economic prosperity, national security, and government reform, encouraged attendees to visit the Documents and Reports section of the OSTP web site, and to follow OSTP on twitter at WHOSTP, as there have been several interesting reports released over the past year, i.e. Science and Technology Highlights in the First Year of the Trump Administration.Mr. Pareek of Hydraulex Global spoke about his work on the Manufacturing Council under President Obamas administration, and his current role on the Leadership Council of Mforesight. Mforesight is a Manufacturing USA innovation institute charged with engaging the U.S. manufacturing community to discover, prioritize, develop, and disseminate emerging technologies and manufacturing needs aligned with national priorities. Pareek voiced his support for strengthening the domestic manufacturing supply chain and not losing links in the supply chain to foreign manufacturing.The meeting re-convened the next day with John Koehr, ASME managing director for Technology Advancement and geschftliches miteinander Development, and Lester Su, chair of the ASME Committee on Government Relations (CGR), briefing the IAB on how member companies can become more active and involved in ASMEs technology advisory panels (TAPs) and CGR respectively. Dr. Bruce Kramer, senior advisor at the National Science Foundation and representative of the interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO), then convened a stakeholder roundtable with the IAB related to the national advanced manufacturing strategic plan. This roundtable is in response to the recent AMNPO request for information (ROI), which can be found at https// The final guest speaker of the day was Alex Gray from the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, who discussed the offices accomplishments in the first year, and its upcoming priorities for 2018.To close the meeting, IAB Chair Gardner along with John Hasselmann, ASMEs new Managing Director for Government Relations and Engineering Education, facilitated a discussion of next steps from the meeting, and thoughts related to the fall meeting, which is slated to be held in Palo Alto, Calif., in mid-October. Melissa Carl and Shaquanna Shields, ASME Public Affairs and Outreach

Sunday, December 15, 2019

3 people get real about leaving a job without having another offer

3 people get real about leaving a job without having another offer3 people get real about leaving a job without having another offerEveryone has a unique career path thats solely their own. But things dont always happen as planned.Think about it You were probably told to get a stable job so you could provide for yourself, and eventually, your family. You were probably told to be the best employee you could be and to keep picking up new skills along the way. But most importantly, you were probably told to always have a plan for your next career step.So what happens when you quit without having another job offer secured?Ladders spoke with several working Americans whove all found themselves in this place before, revealing the realities of taking this route.When this approach isnt all its cracked up to beMeet Beth from Oregon.She told us that she currently works for a healthcare provider, but previously left a stelle about 20 years ago without having another one lined up. At the time, s he felt relieved because her work circumstances were uncomfortable, but said that shes actually not in a better place in her career now as a result.Why? Beth said that she accepted the first offer that came her way, and while her peers made progress, she was earning less than before due to a significant pay cut.Now, she says that shes behind, especially in the retirement savings department.When you quit without a plan, it feels like you have the power. But actually, it puts you in a vulnerable position when it comes to negotiating a new job, especially if your finances are in any way limited. I felt like I had to take the first job that was offered, even though it was a cut in pay. I ended up leaving after a year, wasting everyones time, Beth told Ladders.She said she wishes she hadnt done this, saying, .I should have taken accountability for improving my work life where I was, or spent more time in discernment before leaving.But Beth also has words of wisdom for people who are thin king of jumping ship at work without another job offer Take a good look in the mirror, and ask yourself if you are truly doing your best to make the job you have work. If the answer is yes, then ask the following questions 1. What type of work do you want to do? 2. What environment do you want to do it in? 3. Who do you want to be your boss? I have used those three questions to make several job moves and each one has been successful.When this approach really puts the pressure onMeet Danny from New York.He told Ladders that he does marketing for a technology company. He also doled out a word to the wise Hes in a better place now a decade later, but I do feel a consistent sense that I must work hard and save as much as I can because everything can fall out from under me at any moment. The period without a job, on the plus side, gave me grit.Clearly, things werent always easy for Danny along the way.He told Ladders that he arrived in New York City during the summerof2008, before he rea lized that the entire financial infrastructure of the country was about to collapse. I thought that giving myself a few months to look around for a job was the responsible thing to do but ultimately it took me over a year to find my footing.Overall, he likes where his career is headed. But he has recognized the critical role the series of internships, others may not have been financially secure enough to accept, that opened doors for me and created opportunities have played in his career. He also acknowledged that people have vouched for him and given his career a leg up.Danny provided Ladders with a recommendation for people thinking of taking the same approach I would advise people leaving their job to line up some sort of side hustle or freelance work even if its not steady just to have something to do and to show for that period of time. Use your talents however possible and keep making connections with people who can help you accelerate your career.When this approach turns out to be just what the doctor orderedMeet Donya from Florida.She told Ladders that right now, shes a freelance/consultant and that although shes not opposed to working a permanent job, shes currently enjoying the flexibility of being my own boss.Donya was generally happy about how her career has turned out but was also very clear about the challenges of leaving a job without having another offer elsewhere.Im not naive. I know that not everyone is in the position to just walk away without another job,she told Ladders. Still, I think its important to know what you are willing to sacrifice and where youre willing to bend.She also said that when she made the big career move, she felt excited and powerful. Ive always had a net before leaping, so I was excited about embarking on a new adventure. Theres power in taking control.Although Donya said shes currently in a new chapter in life, which she calls similar, but different, she remains optimistic about whats to come.When asked if shes now i n a better place career-wise because of her decision, she expressed that leaving a job without another is truly more complicated than meets the eye.Financially, not yet. Its only been a few months. I made a six-figure salary, and I know it will take time to make that up. Fortunately, I have a husband that is very supportive, she told Ladders. Emotionally/mentally, yes. I know that if I would have stayed, Id be miserable, and that misery would eventually take its toll outside the job and creep into my personal life.But Donya also gave Ladders a crystal clear set of suggestions for others contemplating taking the same risk.Take inventory an honest look at the situation. As we evolve, we should improve therefore, If you are better today than you were yesterday, then power through if not, its time to move on and find a better climate. I should have done that as soon as I saw the warning signs, but I didnt. I kept making excuses and doubting what I was seeing, she said. As time progresse d, I reached my boiling point and had to jump at that moment. I literally was in the middle of a conversation with my boss and blurted out Im leaving. My last day is next Friday. I would normally like to have some sort of plan. At least an eloquent statement prepared.But still, given the chance, Donya said she would do the same thing all over again - just under the same conditions.Although she sometimes wonders what wouldve happened if she remained at her old job and made things work, or if she let them win by bowing out, she told Ladders, then I remind myself that thats pride and I get off my high horse. Theres something in attacking a challenge head-on, but theres also something in knowing where you want to invest your energy. At the end of the day, I didnt feel this particular challenge was worth the investment. Given the same circumstances, Id do it again.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Fair Perspective on Resume with No Job Experience

A Fair Perspective on Resume with No Job Experience What You Can Do About Resume with No Job Experience Starting in the Next 9 Minutes Regardless of what your qualifications are, solid writing can go a very long way toward making a great impression. In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a fantastic experience section. As a way to be effective in your job search, folks say you should make your resume stand out from the remainder of the folks applying to the exact same position. Resume writing can be challenging for everybody, particularly when youre just out of school and dont have any expert experience to speak of. The End of Resume with No Job Experience Whilst you write your summary for your resume, attempt to think of what you want them to discuss with you, and what exactly you desire an opportunity to discuss. Each word on your resume can be a trigger for a question via an interviewer, and youll frequently be requested to provide examples of th e skills which you have referenced. The target job title appears at the peak of your resume, immediately following your contact details. For each position, youre want to include your job title and business name. Snagajob member, Jessica G. ran into a frequent schwierigkeit when looking for jobs needing references if you dont have a lot of work experience. Now you have a basic resume, you will continue to construct upon it over the life span of your career. Remember that hiring managers do not devote a great deal of time reviewing resumes. Taking the opportunity to work on your resume is vital. Key Pieces of Resume with No Job Experience At the peak of your resume, you can provide a statement that summarizes your educational background, your abilities and where you would like to go in your career. The function of the career objective isnt to tell the hiring manger what you would like to escape from the firm. If for no other reason, obtaining the resume will enable you to ea sily finish all the on-line profiles teams require prospects to finish. Functional resumes present the info when it comes to imperfect work experience along with a career transition. While the functional resume format may be an attractive choice for job seekers with very little experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. If youre searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, take a look at our absolutely free downloadable templates. Whatever resume format you opt to use, be positive your format remains consistent throughout the document. Theres no suitable format for a resume, though theres a standard. So you merely graduated high school or college and you are primed to join the workforce to turn into a productive member of society. When youve broken into the workforce, you may be amazed at how fast you can move up. After you have some expert experience, you are going to want to cut back your education section drastic ally. Youre able to mention your upcoming education plans too. Note that there might be circumstances when including some of these information demonstrates that youre a fantastic fit for the job. Take a look at our samples to get a better idea about what makes a good customer service resume and discover out what it requires to land your dream job. The sale and marketing business is one predicated on your capacity to sell goods or services to the general public. If youve got large sums experience outside the workforce, locate a way to demonstrate that on your resume. The Ultimate Strategy for Resume with No Job Experience Whether there are in-store job openings, therell continue to be specific requirements for each available position. Appealing to every individual employers wants and job requirements is the ideal strategy for getting your application noticed. You must tailor your resume to each work application so that it responds to the particular necessities of the job wh ich youre applying for. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and theyre your very first step toward new job opportunities. The Nuiances of Resume with No Job Experience Dont be too proud to have a job which you feel is beneath you. Finding a job can be difficult for everyone, even an extremely knowledgeable professional who has successfully navigated several job changes. Even in the event youve never held an official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. Thus, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a new light. For less academic-centered jobs, it may be hard to choose which course work is relevant. The very first thing you ought to do is carefully review the work description and note any particular skills youve got or requirements youre able to fulfill. Wherever you opt to place your skills on your resume, be certain to tailor yo ur list of skills to the specific job. The challenge of being a true student searching for a job tends to be a deficiency of earlier job experience. Quite simply, dont anticipate the functional resume to work nicely with conventional on-line applications. Finding a testimonial is often as simple as asking a colleague, teacher or previous employer to compose a couple sentences about you. If you follow the suggestions above you are going to have an interesting, compelling resume summary that is likely to make the reader want to find out more about you even regardless of your lack of work experience Aside from experience-based resumes, functional resumes emphasize the value of relevant abilities and abilities as opposed to work history.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Basics of Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company You Can Learn From Beginning Right Away

The Basics of Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company You Can Learn From Beginning Right Away Additionally, focusing only on jobs which are in precisely the same category and for which an individual is completely qualified can really make a difference. Professional competencies are tasks and obligations you have performed in all your jobs. Resume objectives can be beneficial for employers to glance at before diving in your work experiences. The Most Popular Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company Input your contact information at the peak of the resume. The other thing you might need to bear in mind is you dont need to group multiple titles under companies. So, the good thing is that in the event that you understand how to demonstrate a promotion on a resume, you understand how to show many positions at the exact same business. List the organization info. What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company Before Youre Left Be hind If youve moved from company to company frequently, staying only a limited time in every job, here is the best way to make sure your resume looks strong and the way you can prevent the dreaded job-hopper label. Before you potentially cost yourself an opportunity for a wonderful company, have a deep breath, think of what you want, and go after the role thats suitable for you. If youre on the promotion track, you will most likely be asked to submit a resume to your employer even when you have been with the company for many decades. If it is possible to present your advancement right, you are going to receive a gold star in the view of a hiring manager. By carefully targeting resumes for certain jobs and situations, youre able to greatly enhance your odds of getting noticed in the work industry. Those who apply for a number of jobs at the exact time on job search sites have a tendency to stick to the exact pattern. 1 mistake job applicants can make is not noticing that theyr e applying for the exact position with similar company repeatedly. Even short-term work can provide valuable skills you could apply to future jobs. What to Expect From Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company? What you choose to highlight should be as near the peak of your resume as possible. If youre a strong candidate for several of the positions, it is sensible to apply to them. Above all, even when youre applying for numerous positions, attempt to limit yourself and be realistic. Most of all, even when youre applying for several positions at an organization, attempt to limit yourself and be realistic.