Sunday, December 29, 2019
Student Presentation Skills Recognized at the Society-Wide Mic...
Student Presentation Skills Recognized at the Society-Wide Mic... Student Presentation Skills Recognized at the Society-Wide Mic... Student Presentation Skills Recognized at the Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology ForumNearly 50 students from universities throughout the world took part in this years Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Houston, Texas. Forty-seven students from universities around the world took part in this years Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum, the annual poster presentation session at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition that gives students the opportunity to sharpen their presentation skills and compete for cash prizes.This year, eight students were recognized for their efforts and shared more than $3,500 in prizes. Prizes for this years forum, which took distribution policy on Nov. 17 at the Hilton of the Americas in Houston, were spon sored by three ASME technical divisions the Heat Transfer Division, the Materials Division, and the Bioengineering Division. (Left to right) Hadi Ghasemi from the University of Houston, the session chair for the Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum, with ASME President Julio Guerrero and Teng Zhang, winner of a $500 prize from the Heat Transfer Division.Teng Zhang, a student from the University of Notre Dame, was selected as the winner of one of two $500 prizes from the Heat Transfer Division for his poster presentation, Thermal Transport Across Hydrogen Bonded Hard-Soft Interfaces. Shanshan Xu, from the University of Colorado Boulder, received a second $500 prize from the Heat Transfer Division for her presentation, Influences of Screen Mesh Wicking Structure on the Performance of Ultra-thin Thermal Ground Planes. Shanshan Yao of North Carolina State University received a $500 prize from the Materials Division for her poster, Silver Nanowire Enabled Wearable Sensors. Michae l Wang of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign also won a $500 prize from the Materials Division prize for his poster, Elastic Strain Engineering of Atomically-Thin Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Using Thermally-Activated Shape Memory Polymers for Novel Optoelectronic Applications. ASME President Julio Guerrero (left) with Shanshan Yao of North Carolina State University, who received a $500 prize from the Materials Division at the Society-Wide Micro and Nanotechnology Forum. Yuta Kurashina of Keio University in Tokyo, Japan, was selected as the winner of a $500 prize from the ASME Bioengineering Division for his presentation, Resonance Vibration and Temperature Modulation Enhances Detachment from Cultivation Substrate. Peyman Irajizad of the University of Houston and Justus Ndukaife of Purdue University also received $500 each for their posters Micro/Nano Structuring by Small-Scale Magnetic-Capillary Waves and Hybrid Electroplasmonic Nanotweezer (HENT) Shaping the Future of Nanomanipulation, respectively. Yuta Kurashina (right) of Keio University in Japan, winner of the Bioengineering Divisions $500 prize, with ASME President Julio Guerrero.An eighth participant, Biao Hu of China University of Petroleum in Beijing, won a $200 gift card and a certificate as the recipient of a special Audience Choice Award for his poster presentation Analysis of Gas Hydrate Formation in Subsea External Sleeve Choke.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
What To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your Workload
What To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your WorkloadWhat To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your WorkloadWhat To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your WorkloadHeres a scenario Your babo emails you about a project she wants to hand over to you, one that had always been her responsibility. Adding insult to injury, its not even part of your regular job. (Example Youre a graphic designer who makes print ads, and your boss wants you to write press releases...wheres the connection?).She wants you to do this because shes swamped with other, mora important things (not because its part of your workload, or because itll benefit or challenge you). The problem here? Youre just as swamped as she is, and cant see how youll be able to fit this new project into your schedule.This is where prioritizing your workload becomes hugely important. You know youre swamped, but you dont know exactly how bogged down you are unless you have a clear outline that proves it. By outlining your priorities, you can determi ne if you can handle this new project, or if you have to push back and ask your boss to come up with another solution. Heres howCreate a list of everything youre working on, plus everything youve been tasked to do as soon as you finish those projects.Note how long each task will take you to complete, then try to find some wiggle room in the list. It helps to know when the new project needs to be completed, along with an estimate of how much time itll suck out of your day(s). Your boss should be able to provide that information.If you cant find a good place for it, and you dont have the power to decide if you can delay another project in favor of completing the new one, youll have to request your bosss input. Send her the list you created above and simply ask Where do you think this fits in so I can properly prioritize my projects?With luck, youll get a thoughtful response and your boss will have settled the prioritization for you. Otherwise, shell tell you to use your best judgment and youre back to step 2. In that case, youll just have to suck it up and make it work
Friday, December 20, 2019
Industry Advisory Meeting Advances ASMEs Mission in Washingto...
Industry Advisory Meeting Advances ASMEs Mission in Washingto... Industry Advisory Meeting Advances ASMEs Mission in Washingto... ASMEs Mission Advances at Industry Advisory Board Spring Meeting in WashingtonMay 11, 2018 Dr. Lloyd Whitman (at podium), Principal Assistant Director, Physical Sciences and Engineering, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, addresses the attendees of the ASME Industry Advisory Board spring meeting.Fifty-five representatives from industry, government, and academia, ASME leadership and staff, and a host of special guest speakers took part in the ASME Industry Advisory Board (IAB) 2018 spring meeting, which welches held April 9-10 in Washington, D.C.The discussion focused on ways the IAB member companies can better engage related to ASMEs strategic technology areas bioengineering, clean energy, pressure technology, advanced manufacturing and robotics. The meeting began with a dinner at Charlie Palmer Steak, and continued the next day at the R eserve Officers Association on Capitol Hill.At the dinner, ASME President Charla Wise provided opening remarks, and IAB Chair Tommy Gardner, chief technology officer at HP Federal, introduced the following speakers Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) Dr. Lloyd Whitman, Principal Assistant Director, Physical Sciences and Engineering, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Shirish Pareek, founder and vice chairman of Hydraulex Global.Rep. Takano, the co-chair of the Congressional Maker Caucus, spoke about the upcoming Congressional Maker Faire, which will be held in June on Capitol Hill. As a former classroom teacher, Takano expressed the importance of scientific and engineering corporations getting involved with local schools, especially those in more economically depressed areas, to help educate the scientific and engineering workforce in the future. He also said more makerspaces should be developed in communities to encourage the process of producing and making items an d that libraries are one type of space for doing so. For more information about the Maker Caucus, follow MakerCaucus on Twitter.Dr. Whitman of OSTP is on detail from his position as Chief Scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Dr. Whitman indicated that roughly 55 staff members currently make up the current OSTP, which is roughly the saatkorn size that OSTP was under the George W. Bush administration and during other administrations early in their second year. Dr. Whitman provides senior leadership to OSTP and the National Science and Technology Council for a broad range of science and technology (S&T) areas and national research and development programs, including advanced manufacturing, information technology, and nanotechnology. He also supports the National Security Council with subject matter expertise related to future electronics and U.S. semiconductor industry competitiveness. Alex Gray, special assistant to the president for the Defense Ind ustrial Base, White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, discussed the offices endeavors during its first year as well as its priorities for the rest of 2018. Dr. Whitman explained that OSTP is focused on supporting the presidents priorities in economic prosperity, national security, and government reform, encouraged attendees to visit the Documents and Reports section of the OSTP web site, and to follow OSTP on twitter at WHOSTP, as there have been several interesting reports released over the past year, i.e. Science and Technology Highlights in the First Year of the Trump Administration.Mr. Pareek of Hydraulex Global spoke about his work on the Manufacturing Council under President Obamas administration, and his current role on the Leadership Council of Mforesight. Mforesight is a Manufacturing USA innovation institute charged with engaging the U.S. manufacturing community to discover, prioritize, develop, and disseminate emerging technologies and manufacturing needs aligned with national priorities. Pareek voiced his support for strengthening the domestic manufacturing supply chain and not losing links in the supply chain to foreign manufacturing.The meeting re-convened the next day with John Koehr, ASME managing director for Technology Advancement and geschftliches miteinander Development, and Lester Su, chair of the ASME Committee on Government Relations (CGR), briefing the IAB on how member companies can become more active and involved in ASMEs technology advisory panels (TAPs) and CGR respectively. Dr. Bruce Kramer, senior advisor at the National Science Foundation and representative of the interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO), then convened a stakeholder roundtable with the IAB related to the national advanced manufacturing strategic plan. This roundtable is in response to the recent AMNPO request for information (ROI), which can be found at https// The final guest speaker of the day was Alex Gray from the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, who discussed the offices accomplishments in the first year, and its upcoming priorities for 2018.To close the meeting, IAB Chair Gardner along with John Hasselmann, ASMEs new Managing Director for Government Relations and Engineering Education, facilitated a discussion of next steps from the meeting, and thoughts related to the fall meeting, which is slated to be held in Palo Alto, Calif., in mid-October. Melissa Carl and Shaquanna Shields, ASME Public Affairs and Outreach
Sunday, December 15, 2019
3 people get real about leaving a job without having another offer
3 people get real about leaving a job without having another offer3 people get real about leaving a job without having another offerEveryone has a unique career path thats solely their own. But things dont always happen as planned.Think about it You were probably told to get a stable job so you could provide for yourself, and eventually, your family. You were probably told to be the best employee you could be and to keep picking up new skills along the way. But most importantly, you were probably told to always have a plan for your next career step.So what happens when you quit without having another job offer secured?Ladders spoke with several working Americans whove all found themselves in this place before, revealing the realities of taking this route.When this approach isnt all its cracked up to beMeet Beth from Oregon.She told us that she currently works for a healthcare provider, but previously left a stelle about 20 years ago without having another one lined up. At the time, s he felt relieved because her work circumstances were uncomfortable, but said that shes actually not in a better place in her career now as a result.Why? Beth said that she accepted the first offer that came her way, and while her peers made progress, she was earning less than before due to a significant pay cut.Now, she says that shes behind, especially in the retirement savings department.When you quit without a plan, it feels like you have the power. But actually, it puts you in a vulnerable position when it comes to negotiating a new job, especially if your finances are in any way limited. I felt like I had to take the first job that was offered, even though it was a cut in pay. I ended up leaving after a year, wasting everyones time, Beth told Ladders.She said she wishes she hadnt done this, saying, .I should have taken accountability for improving my work life where I was, or spent more time in discernment before leaving.But Beth also has words of wisdom for people who are thin king of jumping ship at work without another job offer Take a good look in the mirror, and ask yourself if you are truly doing your best to make the job you have work. If the answer is yes, then ask the following questions 1. What type of work do you want to do? 2. What environment do you want to do it in? 3. Who do you want to be your boss? I have used those three questions to make several job moves and each one has been successful.When this approach really puts the pressure onMeet Danny from New York.He told Ladders that he does marketing for a technology company. He also doled out a word to the wise Hes in a better place now a decade later, but I do feel a consistent sense that I must work hard and save as much as I can because everything can fall out from under me at any moment. The period without a job, on the plus side, gave me grit.Clearly, things werent always easy for Danny along the way.He told Ladders that he arrived in New York City during the summerof2008, before he rea lized that the entire financial infrastructure of the country was about to collapse. I thought that giving myself a few months to look around for a job was the responsible thing to do but ultimately it took me over a year to find my footing.Overall, he likes where his career is headed. But he has recognized the critical role the series of internships, others may not have been financially secure enough to accept, that opened doors for me and created opportunities have played in his career. He also acknowledged that people have vouched for him and given his career a leg up.Danny provided Ladders with a recommendation for people thinking of taking the same approach I would advise people leaving their job to line up some sort of side hustle or freelance work even if its not steady just to have something to do and to show for that period of time. Use your talents however possible and keep making connections with people who can help you accelerate your career.When this approach turns out to be just what the doctor orderedMeet Donya from Florida.She told Ladders that right now, shes a freelance/consultant and that although shes not opposed to working a permanent job, shes currently enjoying the flexibility of being my own boss.Donya was generally happy about how her career has turned out but was also very clear about the challenges of leaving a job without having another offer elsewhere.Im not naive. I know that not everyone is in the position to just walk away without another job,she told Ladders. Still, I think its important to know what you are willing to sacrifice and where youre willing to bend.She also said that when she made the big career move, she felt excited and powerful. Ive always had a net before leaping, so I was excited about embarking on a new adventure. Theres power in taking control.Although Donya said shes currently in a new chapter in life, which she calls similar, but different, she remains optimistic about whats to come.When asked if shes now i n a better place career-wise because of her decision, she expressed that leaving a job without another is truly more complicated than meets the eye.Financially, not yet. Its only been a few months. I made a six-figure salary, and I know it will take time to make that up. Fortunately, I have a husband that is very supportive, she told Ladders. Emotionally/mentally, yes. I know that if I would have stayed, Id be miserable, and that misery would eventually take its toll outside the job and creep into my personal life.But Donya also gave Ladders a crystal clear set of suggestions for others contemplating taking the same risk.Take inventory an honest look at the situation. As we evolve, we should improve therefore, If you are better today than you were yesterday, then power through if not, its time to move on and find a better climate. I should have done that as soon as I saw the warning signs, but I didnt. I kept making excuses and doubting what I was seeing, she said. As time progresse d, I reached my boiling point and had to jump at that moment. I literally was in the middle of a conversation with my boss and blurted out Im leaving. My last day is next Friday. I would normally like to have some sort of plan. At least an eloquent statement prepared.But still, given the chance, Donya said she would do the same thing all over again - just under the same conditions.Although she sometimes wonders what wouldve happened if she remained at her old job and made things work, or if she let them win by bowing out, she told Ladders, then I remind myself that thats pride and I get off my high horse. Theres something in attacking a challenge head-on, but theres also something in knowing where you want to invest your energy. At the end of the day, I didnt feel this particular challenge was worth the investment. Given the same circumstances, Id do it again.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
A Fair Perspective on Resume with No Job Experience
A Fair Perspective on Resume with No Job Experience What You Can Do About Resume with No Job Experience Starting in the Next 9 Minutes Regardless of what your qualifications are, solid writing can go a very long way toward making a great impression. In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a fantastic experience section. As a way to be effective in your job search, folks say you should make your resume stand out from the remainder of the folks applying to the exact same position. Resume writing can be challenging for everybody, particularly when youre just out of school and dont have any expert experience to speak of. The End of Resume with No Job Experience Whilst you write your summary for your resume, attempt to think of what you want them to discuss with you, and what exactly you desire an opportunity to discuss. Each word on your resume can be a trigger for a question via an interviewer, and youll frequently be requested to provide examples of th e skills which you have referenced. The target job title appears at the peak of your resume, immediately following your contact details. For each position, youre want to include your job title and business name. Snagajob member, Jessica G. ran into a frequent schwierigkeit when looking for jobs needing references if you dont have a lot of work experience. Now you have a basic resume, you will continue to construct upon it over the life span of your career. Remember that hiring managers do not devote a great deal of time reviewing resumes. Taking the opportunity to work on your resume is vital. Key Pieces of Resume with No Job Experience At the peak of your resume, you can provide a statement that summarizes your educational background, your abilities and where you would like to go in your career. The function of the career objective isnt to tell the hiring manger what you would like to escape from the firm. If for no other reason, obtaining the resume will enable you to ea sily finish all the on-line profiles teams require prospects to finish. Functional resumes present the info when it comes to imperfect work experience along with a career transition. While the functional resume format may be an attractive choice for job seekers with very little experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. If youre searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, take a look at our absolutely free downloadable templates. Whatever resume format you opt to use, be positive your format remains consistent throughout the document. Theres no suitable format for a resume, though theres a standard. So you merely graduated high school or college and you are primed to join the workforce to turn into a productive member of society. When youve broken into the workforce, you may be amazed at how fast you can move up. After you have some expert experience, you are going to want to cut back your education section drastic ally. Youre able to mention your upcoming education plans too. Note that there might be circumstances when including some of these information demonstrates that youre a fantastic fit for the job. Take a look at our samples to get a better idea about what makes a good customer service resume and discover out what it requires to land your dream job. The sale and marketing business is one predicated on your capacity to sell goods or services to the general public. If youve got large sums experience outside the workforce, locate a way to demonstrate that on your resume. The Ultimate Strategy for Resume with No Job Experience Whether there are in-store job openings, therell continue to be specific requirements for each available position. Appealing to every individual employers wants and job requirements is the ideal strategy for getting your application noticed. You must tailor your resume to each work application so that it responds to the particular necessities of the job wh ich youre applying for. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and theyre your very first step toward new job opportunities. The Nuiances of Resume with No Job Experience Dont be too proud to have a job which you feel is beneath you. Finding a job can be difficult for everyone, even an extremely knowledgeable professional who has successfully navigated several job changes. Even in the event youve never held an official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. Thus, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a new light. For less academic-centered jobs, it may be hard to choose which course work is relevant. The very first thing you ought to do is carefully review the work description and note any particular skills youve got or requirements youre able to fulfill. Wherever you opt to place your skills on your resume, be certain to tailor yo ur list of skills to the specific job. The challenge of being a true student searching for a job tends to be a deficiency of earlier job experience. Quite simply, dont anticipate the functional resume to work nicely with conventional on-line applications. Finding a testimonial is often as simple as asking a colleague, teacher or previous employer to compose a couple sentences about you. If you follow the suggestions above you are going to have an interesting, compelling resume summary that is likely to make the reader want to find out more about you even regardless of your lack of work experience Aside from experience-based resumes, functional resumes emphasize the value of relevant abilities and abilities as opposed to work history.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Basics of Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company You Can Learn From Beginning Right Away
The Basics of Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company You Can Learn From Beginning Right Away Additionally, focusing only on jobs which are in precisely the same category and for which an individual is completely qualified can really make a difference. Professional competencies are tasks and obligations you have performed in all your jobs. Resume objectives can be beneficial for employers to glance at before diving in your work experiences. The Most Popular Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company Input your contact information at the peak of the resume. The other thing you might need to bear in mind is you dont need to group multiple titles under companies. So, the good thing is that in the event that you understand how to demonstrate a promotion on a resume, you understand how to show many positions at the exact same business. List the organization info. What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company Before Youre Left Be hind If youve moved from company to company frequently, staying only a limited time in every job, here is the best way to make sure your resume looks strong and the way you can prevent the dreaded job-hopper label. Before you potentially cost yourself an opportunity for a wonderful company, have a deep breath, think of what you want, and go after the role thats suitable for you. If youre on the promotion track, you will most likely be asked to submit a resume to your employer even when you have been with the company for many decades. If it is possible to present your advancement right, you are going to receive a gold star in the view of a hiring manager. By carefully targeting resumes for certain jobs and situations, youre able to greatly enhance your odds of getting noticed in the work industry. Those who apply for a number of jobs at the exact time on job search sites have a tendency to stick to the exact pattern. 1 mistake job applicants can make is not noticing that theyr e applying for the exact position with similar company repeatedly. Even short-term work can provide valuable skills you could apply to future jobs. What to Expect From Resume Writing Tips Multiple Jobs Same Company? What you choose to highlight should be as near the peak of your resume as possible. If youre a strong candidate for several of the positions, it is sensible to apply to them. Above all, even when youre applying for numerous positions, attempt to limit yourself and be realistic. Most of all, even when youre applying for several positions at an organization, attempt to limit yourself and be realistic.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Shocking Information About Resumes Builder Uncovered
Shocking Information About Resumes Builder Uncovered The New Fuss About Resumes Builder College Recruiter believes that each and every student and recent graduate deserves a fantastic career, and thats why weve partnered with Intry so you are able to free of charge, make an on-line profile and one or more resumes, every one of which will be designed to secure you get through the ATS and seen by the hiring manager. If youre looking for a job and dont want your present employer to understand, its certainly not the most discreet choice. Expectation of the salary shouldnt be included, since the candidate is not going to know about the company policies. Youve probably seen many resumes over the span of your work, but its not unusual to discover you have very little experience with one focused on being an HR manager. Using Resumes Builder It is possible to also download the resume youve written. You need to make sure you comprehend the work description well in order to produce an objective which is related to the provider requirements. Name the work title and the area, together with any concerns, and their resume builder reviews the info. With a couple free on-line solutions, the procedure can be made a bit easier. Resume builders may also help prepare a simple to follow formatted resume. Resume Edge is among the best resume builders where it is possible to build sophisticated, professional and extremely impressive resumes in an issue of a couple minutes. A resume builder tafelgeschirr is a means to find expert help with one of the most crucial documents which you will have to get the job of your dreams. A number of formats and designs to select from, Resume Now-Resume builder is the ideal location to earn job winning resumes. There are lots of professional services that will enable you to share your resume after its been written in the ideal quality. There are different alternatives to take into account when it has to do with putting together an err eichbar resume. To save a whole lot of heartache down the road, make sure you use our resume builder to create a document that could be easily transferred to different job applications. The great builders online will give you with help during the entire writing process so that you can be certain you have the complete resume you have to hand any employer. Life, Death and Resumes Builder You have many choices for CVs that feature photos and theyre all skilled and well put-together. There are a great deal of no cost resume web templates easily available on the internet but sometimes it is often quite challenging to choose the best the one that is most appropriate for you. There are several different templates that you are able to use to produce the resume. There are plenty of templates available that youre able to choose from based on your job program, personal preferences, and professional needs. The Appeal of Resumes Builder Focus One important piece that a resume builder ca n assist you with is obtaining a focus on your targets. One of the very first things that resume builder reviews should mention is that you are needed to make an account up front. Member area The excellent resume builders online will provide you with a members area which you can join. ConnectCV is another exact efficient online resume building tool free of charge. Up in Arms About Resumes Builder? A continue builder may be quite valuable for anybody whos sense overcome by the work application procedure. You can additionally get immediate support with the live chat, which is helpful if you dont have enough time to watch for an email response. You are going to have a resume in no time and will have the ability to create the application in the perfect time. You may even import any resume youve written from your system and edit it. The Fight Against Resumes Builder Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. Youve got to focus on telling the employers why youd be the correct candidate for the job by giving them only the pertinent information for this work position. If you are looking for work. If you would like to receive a work soon or are seeking to change your work then you want to think about the resume. The summary also has to be one that captures the interest of the reader. Writing a professional resume isnt simple. Therefore, for your convenience, you have a superb chance to monitor the advancement of the assigned writer and make sure an essay will be ready in a timely way. When youre finished, you may download your resume as a PDF. Resume templates can be ideal for ideas but take the opportunity to produce your own formatting. To begin, you have the choice to import your Word or LinkedIn resume. Online resume builder gets more affordable and quite effective choice for creating the resume. voreingestellt Resume provides a number of templates that may be viewed on your desktop or cell phone. With the area of net, you can have thousands of alternatives which are available to you from samples, professional resume writers, and internet software that enables you to construct a perfect resume.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to use the art of persuasion to get that raise at work
How to use the art of persuasion to get that raise at workHow to use the art of persuasion to get that raise at workYouve been working hard to hit your targets and show that you can handle additional responsibilities. It seems like a raise is within reach. But in the world of work, ambitious colleagues, new clients, and office politics can take attention away from you and your raise-worthy achievements.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBefore penciling in that meeting with your manager, give yourself the best chance for success by employing a few persuasive techniques from Robert Cialdini, the godfather of influence. His reciprocity principle, for example, suggests that we feel obliged to return the favor when someone helps us out. Help ease your bosss workload when she looks stressed and youll not only demonstrate your value but also earn a favor to call in when youre up for a r aise.You can use these techniques during the pay raise meeting, too. Persuasion research reveals that we like people who are similar to us, and simply mirroring someones body language makes them feel more comfortable and open to our suggestions. Come prepared with compelling stats that reinforce your value to the company, and use forward-thinking language to get your manager thinking about your role in the companys future.These techniques arent foolproof, of course, and sometimes circumstances beyond your control get in the way. If you dont get a yes on the first try, keep working at it. Connect with your colleagues on LinkedIn and take an interest in learning more about your manager. Next time that let me think about it will be a definitive yes.Courtesy of SavingsSpotThis article first appeared on
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How to Get a Job Referral From a Facebook Friend
How to Get a Job Referral From a Facebook FriendHow to Get a Job Referral From a Facebook FriendNot long ago I was a job seeker. At one pointI read statistics about employee referrals being the best way to secure a job. This inspired me to focus on networking to get a referral. As a new grad, my network happened to be small and leid so diverse, but that didnt discourage me.I found that the most efficient way to reach out to my network was to engage with them on social media- and for me, the best venue for this was Facebook. I looked for friends with similar majors who had secured offers from attractive companies or who had the right connections, and I learned the following tips.1. Join groups, follow companies and keep an eye on status updatesAt the time I did not realize the value of Facebook Groups, but I found that they provided the profil to broaden my network. Many new grads join groups specific to their schools and majors such as UCLA Class of 2014, Electrical Engineering where they can share updates about career opportunities. Joining the right groups offers access to three types of resources 1. A network with a common interest 2. Information about how people are getting interviews and offers 3. People who know about opportunities and will refer others.You also can follow individual companies. Engaging with a company on social media keeps you in tune with the company culture, industry news, career opportunities and you can see if any of your friends also follow the company. Maybe they work there.Another quick and easy way to search for work is to skim your news feed for posts about job opportunities. I knew a number of people who posted statuses about positions for which their company was hiring.2. Evaluate the referrer and yourselfOnce youve identified a friend who might be able to help you, dont go in blindly. Just because someone is your friend doesnt mean you shouldnt do your homework first.Take time to check out the companys Facebook page, official website and your friends profile. Does the company seem like a good fit? Is your friend someone you can imagine yourself working alongside? If so, the next move it to determine if youre qualified for the position.Dont approach your friend if youre clearly unqualified. Referrers only want to refer those who are marketable and likely to get hired, so you need to present yourself as an asset.Side note If the person isnt yet your friend, Robert Meyer, Simply Hireds Social Media Community Manager, suggests that Its never good to try to connect with someone without a mutual connection or an explanation to why youre friending them. Its best to have a mutual contact friend introduce you. Or you can try to interact with these people in groups on Facebook and then after becoming acquainted, request to connect.3. Use your interactions on social media to build common groundOn Facebook you can uncover lifestyle habits. Take a gander at your friends profile to get a sense of their personality and possibly some insight into their experience with their company.Once you see a conversation-starter, go ahead and reach out. I recommend using private messages because its more personal. Be sincere about the way you approach your friend. Dont jump straight into asking for a referral unless they explicitly posted a status in which they were receptive to referring others. You want to establish a strong relationship because this person needs to be able to vouch for you.On another note, dont forget to curate your own profile to project an authentic yet professional image. Privacy settings are great for this purpose.Bonus TipsThe best policy is to treat a referrer as you would a recruiter.Recruiters like responsive candidates. The speediness of your reply can be an indicator of your enthusiasm for the job, so stay on top of your social interactions. But if your friend isnt responsive, as with recruiters, do not pester them with private messages. Courteously follow up one to two times, ma x, and if there is no response, it is best to move on. Also, youd never forget to thank a recruiter for their time, so remember to show your friend the same appreciation.Your referrer isnt a recruiter (unless they actually are). Unlike recruiters, your referrer knows you on a more personal level, and you have the chance to get honest feedback. Whether you end up getting the job or not, you can ask your referrer for improvement points.The relationship doesnt end after you get the job. You may or may not end up working intimately with this person. Remember when someone refers you, your performance also reflects on them.What goes around comes around. If you do get the job, you want to be a resource to others and pay back the good karma you received. Sharing is caring now that you are equipped with a job, stay aware of any openings at your company and help others the way you were helped.Read MoreHow to Take Advantage of Social Media Networks in Your Job SearchUse Your Network Job Huntin g With Social Media
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage Minimum Wage The Federal minimum wage is the minimum amount of money that an employer can pay a covered nonexempt employee for an hour worked. The Federal minimum wage provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Many states also have minimum wage laws. Check your state for its minimum wage requirements. You can view an up-to-date list of the minimum wages in all of the states. The list also includes information about minimum wage hikes that are currently scheduled. Do double check with your state even though these figures are comprehensive. It is easy to make a mistake. Where an employee is subject to both the state and Federal minimum wage laws, the employee is entitled to the higher of the two minimum wages. The Federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour. But, many states require employers to pay more than that - and a number of states had scheduled increases in 2014. See if you state was one of them. Various minimum wage exceptions apply under specific circumstances to workers with disabilities, full-time students, youth under age 20 in their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment, tipped employees and student-learners. In 2014, for example, employees working on federal service and construction contracts have a new minimum wage of $10.10 per hour. This new law took effect for all new and expiring contracts on January 1, 2015. Congress periodically raises the minimum wage, so make sure that you are paying the current and appropriate wage by checking with your state and Federal departments of labor. In 2015, the conversation about minimum wage has turned to $15.00 per hour with some states, municipalities, and locales implementing ?or talking about implementing ?this wage hike. You may also be interested in? ?overtime pay | independent contractor | How to Schedule and Pay Seasonal and Temporary Employees | The Impact of the Minimum Wage Increase More Minimum Wage Resources Department of Labor Minimum Wage Website
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
If you Want to Succeed in this Job Market, Youve got to Sell Yourself
If you Want to Succeed in this Job Market, Youâve got to Sell Yourself If you Want to Succeed in this Job Market, Youâve got to Sell Yourself Personal Branding Who are you? What do you stand for? Many people who are actively seeking jobs do not know the answers to these questions. In order to make sure you stand out, put in the time and effort that it takes to figure out these things about yourself. Dont just come up with a vague idea; create a specific image for yourself and be prepared to articulate it when its time for those big interviews. Your goal should be to make your potential employer see you the way that you want to be seen. Developing this image, also known as your personal brand, is not the same thing as being a unique individual. After all, employers know that each applicant they look at will have something that makes him or her different. If you can market yourself through the personal brand that you have created, you will stand out because employers will recognize your ability to know yourself. In order for your personal brand to be truly successful, it must be recognizable, consistent and meaningful. In other words, by the end of the interview your potential employer should know not only what it is that you stand for but also why you stand for it. Co-Branding Like it or not, social media is a big part of our world today. And contrary to what many people think, the personal, public identity you create through social media is not entirely disconnected from the working world. It is becoming more and more common for employers to look at somebodys social media profiles to help them make their decision when hiring. As a job seeker, you can use popular websites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to your advantage. Use your public identity to reinforce and expand your personal brand. The public identity and your personal brand should overlap to some degree, but they should not be entirely identical. Think of social media as a tool for showing how aspects of your personal brand spill over into all aspects of your life. For example, if you brand yourself as someone who can persevere even when everyone else gives up, post social media updates about pursuing your fitness goals. While this may seem completely unrelated to your professional life, it shows employers who see the post that your personal brand is not just a facade that you put up on interview day. Let your personal, public identity highlight real-life examples that you are striving to live out your brand every day. In addition to social media, blogging is another way to create your personal identity in cyberspace. Blogging is an excellent way of showcasing your communication skills. This is especially true if the job you are applying for requires top-notch writing abilities. Even if the job youre pursuing has nothing to do with writing, the ability to draw people in and get them talking- through comments on a blog, for example- is a skill that many employers value. Blogging is also a good way to network with others. The larger your list of people that follow your blog and vice/versa, the more marketable you are to employers. For example, imagine that youve just applied for a job at an advertising agency. Employers who look at your blog will see that youâre capable of creating a constructive narrative with a captive audience- something extremely valuable to them. Networking with others through a blog can also lead to contacts with people who are successful in the industry that you are interested in. Know Your Gifts and Strengths In order to be successful in todays job market you have to know what your strengths are and be able to sell these strengths to potential employers. One of the most frequently asked interview questions is: Why are you the best person for this job? If you know your gifts and strengths and can articulate them well, then you will be able to answer this question easily. Every job posting lists certain characteristics that applicants are expected to have. Nevertheless, dont take it for granted that all the people applying for the job have all of those characteristics. During your interview, give examples from your personal and/or professional life to show why you have all the characteristics listed. But dont stop with the content listed in the job posting; instead, use the list of desired qualifications to talk about related abilities that you have, which can complement those desired by the employer. Conclusion Overall, the best advice to succeed in todays job market is to sell yourself. Find out what makes you different and articulate this point in your interviews and throughout your career. Dont delude yourself into thinking your value is self evident. Unfortunately, to many employers you are just another face in a long line of applicants. Make yourself memorable, marketable and multi-faceted so you can land the job and build the career youve always wanted.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Questions You Should Ask In A Job Interview
Questions You Should Ask In A Job Interview Questions You Should Ask In A Job Interview Youâve come to the last few minutes of the interview, and your interviewer finally asks, âDo you have any questions from me?â Everyone knows itâs the ultimate blunder if you donât ask questions at the end of an interview. While often overlooked when preparing for an interview, the right end-of-interview questions can make you stand out as a candidate. Theyâre also a chance for you to find out if the role is right for you and what you want. Iâve uncovered the best questions that will increase your chances of getting the job, and a list of questions to ask your hiring manager that will impress them but also give you more insight as to whether the role and culture are right for you. The best question to ask that will increase your chances of getting the job is: Are there any requirements for the position that I have not adequately demonstrated for you today? This question works in your favor because once the interviewer answers it lets you state your case, if the interviewer thinks youâre lacking any skills for the position. Your answer should demonstrate that youâre aware of the experience youâre lacking and how you make up for it in other areas. Also, youâll get a sense of where you stand in the interviewerâs mind. Another way to ask this question is: What would the perfect candidate look like? How do you assess my experience in comparison? What gaps do you see? Here is a list of other questions to ask your hiring manager: What are the key accomplishments you would like to see in this role over the next year? How can I help you get a âgold starâ during your next review? Describe your leadership style in three words. Why did you join this company? Why do you stay? Why is this position open? Whats the biggest challenge your team has faced this year? How did you handle it? What is your teamâs proudest accomplishment this year? What project are you most excited about this year? Whats one thing thats key to this companys success that somebody from outside the company wouldnt know about? What are your groups best and worst working relationships with other groups in the company? Employers like to see critical and thoughtful candidates, so asking insightful questions is just as valuable as considerate answers. The best questions to ask are the ones that you canât find with a simple Google search. Are there any other questions that you like to ask at the end of interviews?
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hot Summer Perks
Hot Summer Perks Hot Summer Perks HOT SUMMER PERKS When it comes to summer perks, workers want: Flexible schedules (condensed days, work from home, etc.) 52% Leaving early on Fridays 27% More relaxed dress code 11% Activities such as company picnic or potluck 10% Benefits companies are most likely to offer: Flexible schedules 54% More relaxed dress code 53% Activities such as company picnic or potluck 48% Leaving early on Fridays 32% Our company does not offer any of these summer benefits 14% (Multiple responses were permitted.) Top five cities where workers want flexible schedules: #1: Austin #2: Raleigh #3: Washington, D.C. #4: Pittsburgh #5: Denver
Friday, November 15, 2019
8,000 Starbucks stores are closed today so here is how to stay caffeinated
8,000 Starbucks stores are closed today so here is how to stay caffeinated 8,000 Starbucks stores are closed today so here is how to stay caffeinated Today coffee giant Starbucks will be closing 8,000 of its company-owned stores to carry out diversity training for its workers all over the U.S. As you can imagine, people are panicking. Not really, but it is a little stressful if your whole normal coffee routine is thrown off. Now you could just go to a different coffee chain like Dunkinâ Donuts or Peetâs. Or you could try these alternatives for feeling caffeinated. You may end up sticking with some of these in the long run.1. Drink a ton of waterYes, it sounds ridiculous, but plain old water can actually be very effective. âHydrating first thing increases the chances that youâll continue throughout the day and prevents dehydration, which causes fatigue,â Sara Ryba, a nutritionist in Scarsdale, New York, told Real Simple.2. Stay in the lightGo towards the light Carole Ann! It worked in Poltergeist and it can work for you. Sun exposure helps the body produce vitamin D, which is important for good health. It also boosts serotonin levels, which can improve mood and help you sleep better.3. Eat chocolateCoffee is great, but chocolate is even better! It is the flavanols in the chocolate that by improving arterial blood flow can help increase your energy levels.4. Drink matchaMatcha is all the rage right now and it could replace your caffeine addiction. According to, matcha green tea has 70 mg of caffeine per serving and has a longer lasting effect than a cup of coffee.5. Laugh a lotAn apple a day may keep the doctor away but simply laughing during the day can keep your energy levels up. So check out a short YouTube video or text your funniest friend.6. Have some kiwiAccording to Dr. Oz, a kiwi has 2.5 grams of fiber, which keeps you full and prevents energy lows when youâre hungry.7. Take a cold showerIf you jump in a cold shower first thing when you wake up, you will definitely be wide awake the rest of the day. Hey, if the Romans used to do itâ¦8. Drink ginger root teaIt does won ders for your digestion and helps you be more alert.9. Wear red or burgundyCertain colors can impact your energy levels and red or burgundy tend to boost them and make you feel more powerful.10. ExerciseIt can be a pain for some of us but study after study shows that whether you do yoga, go running or just jump up and down for 20 minutes can set an energetic, focused tone for the day.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Let It Go! 10 Ways to Relax at Work
Let It Go! 10 Ways to Relax at Work Let It Go! 10 Ways to Relax at Work Just because you're working hard doesn't mean you have to stress yourself out. Take a tip from Disneyâs Frozen and âlet it goâ for a while. Here are some stress relief techniques to try: 1. Go outside. Schedule a few minutes during the day to take in some fresh air. Just being outside works wonders for reducing stress and has countless other benefits. 2. Give your hands a massage. Lotioning up your hands for a stress-relieving massage will make your skin feel good and relieve tension in your joints and ligaments. 3. Oil up. Or rather keep oils at your desk. Aromatherapy has been shown to decrease stress levels. 4. Meditate. Perform a meditation at your desk or a comfortable place in the office. Focus on your breath to lower stress in the body. 5. Jam out. Listening to music can help diminish stress, so listen to your favorite tunes during the workday - using earbuds, of course, not speakers. 6. Step away from your computer. Taking a break from your computer for at least five minutes every so often will leave you refocused and less anxious. 7. Eat an orange. An orange a day keeps the stress away. Did you know a dose of Vitamin C can help to reduce stress? So break out this citrusy favorite and peel away. 8. Be aware of your body. Get in a relaxed position, sitting or lying down, and mentally examine how your body feels to find tension, tightness or other signs of stress. 9. Swivel. Stress wears you out physically. Combat it by at least swiveling in your chair a little throughout the day. You can pretend to be Emperor Palpatine, but hold off on the force lightning. 10. Surf the ânet. You can find places to relax amidst all of the noise on the Internet. Check out Huffington Postâs 10 favorite websites for inspiration. What stress relief techniques do you use at work? Let us know in the comments section. RELATED POSTS:Are You With Me? 11 Tips to Help You Stay Focused at WorkHow to Be Productive at Work If Youâre a Lark or a Night Owl
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Receptionist Resume 10-Step 2019 Guide with Samples 20+ Examples
Receptionist Resume 10-Step 2019 Guide with Samples 20+ Examples Receptionist Resume 10s Composing a receptionist resume is no piece of cake and we understand that. So, in this guide, we have explained the process of making receptionist resume used by professionals at Hiration stage by stage and step by step. We've explained in detail all the stages of receptionist resume making along with all the steps of making one. By the end of our Guide on Receptionist Resume, you will be able to: Write the receptionist resume skills section Identify when to write an objective section and when to make a summary section Pick the most suitable format for your receptionist resume Write a receptionist resume for freshers ... All to make a receptionist resume that'll get you the maximum number of interviews. Also, you can make your receptionist resume at Hiration's Online Resume Builder for a hassle-free resume making experience. Else, this 10 step guide to receptionist resume is here to save you from all your receptionist resume making problems. Plus, we've provided receptionist resume samples and receptionist resume examples of each step so that you can better understand how each section should ideally look like. Additionally, after you're finished with making your receptionist resume, you can go for Hiration's Resume Reviewing Service to get it reviewed for achievement-based points over responsibility-based points. As receptionists need to be great communicators to excel in their job, similarly, their receptionist resumes also need to excel in communicating their receptionist resume skills and professional achievements to the recruiter. As communication is something between a receptionist and resume, their medium of communications differs in great ways. To become a receptionist one needs to excel in verbal communication, whereas, to get those interviews and job offers to become a receptionist, their receptionist resumes should be written in a way which can get them one. The main and most important job of a receptionist is to greet and welcome the visitors and to assist them properly. A receptionist notifies the concerned person in the company on the arrival of a visitor. As receptionists are needed in a number of fields, so, the job of receptionists will see significant growth in the coming years. According to, the job of a receptionist will see a growth of 14% in the coming 4 years. Our guide will cover the following topics: Receptionist Resume Sample Below given is the complete receptionist resume sample for you to see how an ideal receptionist resume looks like. What Is A Receptionist Resume Why Do You Need It? The job of a receptionist also requires them to maintain the security and telecommunications system. The duties of a receptionist also include answering the calls and giving the customers a reservation or appointments. Together with this, they also solve the queries of the customers. A receptionist needs to maintain the employee and department directories. Receptionist resumes tell the recruiter your expertise in the various works of a receptionist. Receptionist resumes are short, to the point documents that give the recruiter an overview of your educational and professional history as a receptionist. According to, those professionals who are freshers in the profile of receptionist get a monthly salary of approximately $2000 and those who are at a senior position get a monthly salary of approximately $3000. The number of years experience that you hold in this profile plays a major role in deciding your salary. So, make sure to update your receptionist resume every time you change a job or get a promotion. Maintaining a receptionist resume is important as it helps the recruiter to get the insight into your professional growth through the years. How To Write A Receptionist Resume? We're aware of how tough it can be to write a receptionist resume if you don't exactly know how to make one. To make it easy for you, we've divided the process of making the receptionist resume in simple and clearly understandable steps. On top of this, you can opt for Hiration's Online Resume Builder to make your receptionist resume as our Online Resume Builder has pre-written content resume templates which are ready to use. By using them you can boost your chances of getting shortlisted by multi-folds. Give it a try today and see the results today! Also, a balance needs to be maintained between the content of the receptionist resume and the design or template of the same. If your receptionist resume is really content heavy with no focus given on the template and vice-versa, it can ruin your chances of getting shortlisted for an interview. That's why Hiration's Online Resume Builder offers design templates and content templates that maintain the proper balance of both. So, go and make your receptionist resume at Hiration's Online Resume Builder Now! Receptionist Job Description For Resume A job description for the profile of a receptionist can include the following duties: Monitor logbook Issue visitor badges Comply with procedures, rules, and regulations to maintain a clean and safe reception area Forward the calls if required to the concerned person Receive and deliver the parcels that come to the concerned person in the office Ensure the availability of the front office supplies and stock inventory Schedule meetings and update calendar Prepare vouchers and arrange travel accommodations Update records of office costs and expenses Carry out duties like that of filing, transcribing, photocopying and faxing whenever required Receptionist resume skills description for the profile of a receptionist can include the following: Excellent Communication MS Office Suite Supply Management Time Management Administration Walk-ins Team Work Reception Front Desk Front Office Receptionist Travel Booking Receptionist Resume Format You can choose one of the following formats to write your receptionist resume. Reverse Chronological Resume Format Functional Resume Format Combination Resume Format Reverse Chronological Format For Your Receptionist Resume This resume format works best in favor of those professionals who have a long and extensive work history to put in a resume without any career gaps. In this format, all the information is written in reverse chronological order, which means writing the most recent company, award, certification, etc. first and then dating back to the previous ones. Functional Format For Receptionist Resume Functional resume format is also known as the skills-based resume format. It is so because it highlights a professionals skills and experience section the most out of every other section. To get more detailed information on Functional Resume Format, you can visit our Guide on Functional Resume Format Here. Combination Format For Receptionist Resume The combination format is also known as the hybrid resume format. It uses a combination of both reverse chronological and functional resume formats. The first half of the combination format is used using the functional resume format to highlight the person's skills, whereas, the second half of the resume is written using the reverse chronological format to show the professional trajectory of the person. To get more in-depth knowledge of this format, check out our Guide on Combination Resume Format Here. Receptionist Resume Sections Following will be the order of the sections of your receptionist resume: Header Title Personal Information Summary/Objective Key Skills Professional Experience Internship Education Certifications Projects Writing Your Receptionist Resume The receptionist resume will be written in the following three stages: Master Receptionist Resume: Experts at Hiration start off with making the master receptionist resume which is the proprietary method of Hiration. It helps both in making your current receptionist resume as well as when you need to update your receptionist resume in future in case of a career change or job change. In master receptionist resume you have to write all and everything that you think that should go into your receptionist resume. Every little detail. The basic ideology behind making a master receptionist resume is to collect all the relevant information related to your receptionist resume at one place so that further in the receptionist resume making process you don't have to look here and there for the information related to your receptionist resume. This process of making a receptionist resume also ensures that you don't forget to write even the minute of the details related to your receptionist resume later in the process. The master receptionist resume basically serves at the outline of your final receptionist resume. Later in the process, this master receptionist resume will be used as the base of the final receptionist resume. At this stage, once you're done with compiling all the information, you'll start off with making the professional experience and internship section. Hiration Pro Tip: When you're done making the master receptionist resume, do save a copy of it so that you can refer to it in the future when you'll need to update your receptionist resume. Also, update your master receptionist resume as well later to add the new, additional information in it. First Draft For Your Receptionist Resume: At this second stage of the receptionist resume making, you will scan the master receptionist resume to look for the information that is most relevant to your target profile and is important to get that interview for that profile. Now, write all that information in your first draft resume. This way, you won't miss out on the most important points for your receptionist resume. Also, now you will make the rest of the receptionist resume section, like that of the header, tile, personal information, education, project, and certifications. Final Receptionist Resume: At this third stage of receptionist resume writing, the first thing that you need to do is to make your key receptionist resume skills section. The second thing to do is to make the summary/objective section. Third thing is to bold and highlight all the important words, phrases and numbers throughout the receptionist resume. Receptionist Resume Professional Experience Section Step 1 As mentioned above, you've to first make the professional experience section in the master receptionist resume stage. The professional experience section includes all the information related to the jobs that you have done so far. Use the format given below to rite this section of your receptionist resume: {Designation} | {Organization} | {Location (city, country pin)} | {Dates} (month year) Framing Points In Your Receptionist Resume Professional Experience Section When writing the points pertaining to your professional experience section, you need to write them in a certain way. You cannot just go and scribble down your duties and responsibilities in your receptionist resume. To best demonstrate the impact of your work on the business, use the cause-effect method to write your receptionist resume points. Let's see with the help of receptionist resume examples how to write points using the cause-effect methodology. Receptionist Resume Example 1: Addressing ~10 queries on a daily basis Appointing new cleaning staff and peon Attending ~30 calls from client's office Managing house cleaning staff Addressing ~20 walk-in clients In receptionist resume example 1 the points written are without using the cause-effect method. That's why they don't provide much information about the impact that the person's duties had on the business. Receptionist Resume Example 2: Addressing ~10 queries on a daily basis while escalating the crucial ones Appointing new cleaning staff and peon in the instances of short staffing Attending ~30 calls from client's office and transferring the same to the relevant department Managing house cleaning staff by allocating tasks and monitoring day-to-day activities Addressing ~20 walk-in clients on a day-to-day basis The points in receptionist resume example 2 are written using the cause-effect methodology and you can see clearly how they are providing complete information on the impact that the person's duties had on the business. Bucketing And Highlighting Points In Your Receptionist Professional Experience Section Bucketing and highlighting points in the professional experience section increase the readability of the receptionist resume. Let's see how with the help of receptionist resume examples. Receptionist Resume Example 1: Addressing ~10 queries on a daily basis while escalating the crucial ones Appointing new cleaning staff and peon in the instances of short staffing Attending ~30 calls from client's office and transferring the same to the relevant department Managing house cleaning staff by allocating tasks and monitoring day-to-day activities Addressing ~20 walk-in clients on a day-to-day basis The points in receptionist resume example 1 are written without using the methods of bucketing and highlighting. So, they have poor readability. Receptionist Resume Example 2: Tele-calling Client Interaction Addressing ~10 queries on a daily basis while escalating the crucial ones Attending ~30 calls from client's office and transferring the same to the relevant department Addressing ~20 walk-in clients on a day-to-day basis Staff Management Managing house cleaning staff by allocating tasks and monitoring day-to-day activities Appointing new cleaning staff and peon in the instances of short staffing Points in receptionist resume example 2 have increased readability as we've grouped points pertaining to the same functions under one bucket and have also highlighted important words, phrases, and numbers. Take a glance at the professional experience section sample receptionist resume provided below to get a better understanding of how to make this section. Receptionist Resume Internship Section Step 2 Next in line at the master receptionist resume stage comes the internship section. In the internship section, you will write all the information related to your internships that you did during your graduation. There is a major difference between internships and professional experience. Internships are mostly unpaid whereas you get a salary while working professionally for a company. Internships are at max for 6 months, whereas, a job can last till years. So, that's why we make separate sections for professional experience and internships. Use the format given below to write your internship section. {Designation} | {Organization} | {Location (city, country pin)} | {Dates} (month year) The points of the internship section will also be written the same way that we have explained above to write the points of the professional experience section. Which is using the cause-effect, bucketing and highlighting methods. Look at the receptionist resume sample given below to get more clarity on how to write the internship section of your receptionist resume. Writing Receptionist Resume Header Step 3 From here starts your first draft stage and the first thing to do in this stage is to make the receptionist resume header. The header comes at the very starting of your receptionist resume, at the top. Only your name is written in the header. So, now the question is: Why make a header? The answer is to differentiate your receptionist resume from other receptionist resumes. Make sure that the header is the largest text in the whole of your receptionist resume. It should be written between the font size of 14-16 points. Also, ensure that you don't have any spacing errors in your name. If you have a middle name, then you should write it in the manner given below: 'Laura J. Witherspoon' Write only the first initial of your middle name and after that put a full stop after it. To get a better idea of how to make the header of your receptionist resume, look at the receptionist resume example given below. Personal Information Section In Your Receptionist Resume Step 4 Next in line comes the personal information section. In this section, you have to provide information pertaining to personal phone number, personal e-mail address and your current location of residence. Personal Phone Number If you have more than one personal phone number, then do not write all of them in the personal information section. Only write one phone number which you use the most. If you write more than one phone number, then the recruiter might get confused on which one to call you and can then drop the idea of calling you at all. The place where the personal phone number will be written is just below the header on the left-hand side of the receptionist resume. Before writing the number put a plus sign (+) and then write the International Subscriber Dialing (ISD) code of your country and after this give a single space and then write your personal phone number. After writing your personal phone number, give a single space after the first five digits of the phone number. Personal E-mail ID The next thing to be written in the personal information section is the personal e-mail ID. Write it right next to the personal phone number, in the center. Do not write e-mail ID names like '' as they look very unprofessional. So, it is very important to use an e-mail ID name that looks professional. For example, '' is an ideal e-mail ID name to be used for the receptionist resume. At this point, you can also add hyperlinks to other social media sites like that of LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc. as well as links to any personal sites if they are relevant to your profile and support your work in any way. Also, the content on these social media accounts need to be up-to-date and should coincide with each other. Current Location Of Residence Your current location of residence is the last thing to be added in the personal information section. Write it on the right-hand side, right next to where you wrote your personal e-mail ID. If you are someone whose living outside their home town, then you've to mention the city in which you are living currently and not the city which is your hometown. Along with this, do not write the complete address of where you are living as it will occupy unnecessary space in the receptionist resume and the space in the personal information section is very limited. Only write the name of the city in which you are living along with the country pin. This much information about your current location of residence is enough for the recruiter to know if you'll be relocating in case you join that company. You can also opt for Hiration's Online Resume Builder to make your receptionist resume as in it you'll get the options to personalize your personal information section with various social media icons and other icons as well in order to make your receptionist resume look more attractive and unique. So, come and make your receptionist resume at Hiration's Online Resume Builder Now! Have a glance at the sample receptionist resume given below to see how a personal experience section should look like. Customizing Receptionist Resume Profile Title Step 5 It is very important to add a profile title to your receptionist resume so that just one glance and the recruiter can know for which profile you've applied for. For example, Medical Receptionist, Front Desk Receptionist, Dental Receptionist, etc. The title should be written between the font size of 12-14 points and should be the second largest text in the whole of your receptionist resume. The basic theory behind making a profile title is so that after seeing your profile title itself, the recruiter can decide whether to read your receptionist resume ahead or not. Take a brief look at the receptionist resume example given below to get more clarity on how to write the profile title. You can also go for Hiration's Resume Reviewing Services where exerts at Hiration will do a review of your receptionist resume to check if your receptionist resume is ATS Friendly. Receptionist Resume Education Section Step 6 The education section gives information around your educational background which includes information like the name of the university/school you attended, degree pursued, their locations, dates of enrolling into and graduating from as well as the CGPA acquired. Use the below given format to write the education section of your receptionist resume: {Name of the school/university} | {Location} | {Dates} (in mm/yy-mm/yy format) {Name of the degree} | {CGPA} All the information given in this section needs to be 100% true as the information in this section is one of the deciding factors whether you are qualified enough or not for the position that you have applied for. The receptionist resume sample provided below will give you a better understanding of how to make the education section. Furthermore, you can make your receptionist resume on Hiration's Online Resume Builder in which all the sections of the resume come pre-arranged to give provide you with great user experience. Receptionist Resume Certifications Section Step 7 Add certifications to your receptionist resume is considered very beneficial as it increases the value of your receptionist resume by multi-folds. These certifications can be spreadsheet software programs, fax machine operation course, medical terminology course, etc. Use the below given format to write the certifications section of your receptionist resume: {Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date (in mm/yy)} Receptionist Resume Projects Section Step 8 The section that will come at the very end of the receptionist resume is your projects section. In this section, you've to write all the projects that you did in college/university or in your previous work engagements that are relevant to your target profile. Make sure to write only those projects that add value to your receptionist resume. Do not write irrelevant projects and those projects that add no value to your receptionist resume. Use the below-given format to write the projects section of your receptionist resume: {Name of project} | {Name of the school/university/company} | {Date (in mm/yy) of doing that project} | See the below-given sample receptionist resume to get greater clarity on how to write this section. Illustrating Your Receptionist Resume Skills Step 9 Now, that we've reached the last stage of the receptionist resume making process, which is the final draft, the first thing to do is to make the key skills section of your receptionist resume. The process of making the key skills section will give you much more key skills to write than following any other process. To write the key skills section, scan the whole of your professional experience section and pick out all the receptionist resume skills written in it and write them in the key skills section. Also, make sure that your key skills section doesn't exceed the limit of three lines. After you're finished writing your key skills, bold the whole section. In order to get more clarity on how to write the key skills section, take a glimpse of the receptionist resume sample provided below. In addition to this, you can opt for Hiration's Online Resume Builder to make your receptionist resume in which you can personalize your key skills section by adding bar graphs, pie charts, timeline, etc. to showcase your receptionist resume skills instead of writing them. So, make your receptionist resume at Hiration's Online Resume Builder Now! Personalizing Receptionist Resume Summary Section Step 10 You will write the section of summary at the very end of the receptionist resume so that you can scan the whole of your receptionist resume to look for the points that are the highlight of your career. After finding these points, rephrase them and write them in the summary section of your receptionist resume. When writing the summary section of your receptionist resume, demonstrate how you used your receptionist resume skills to benefit the previous organization. So, that by reading your summary, the recruiter can get an idea of how efficient you are at using your acquired receptionist resume skills. Look at the sample receptionist resume given below to see how you can optimize your receptionist resume summary section. Also, you can go for Hiration's Resume Reviewing Service to get your receptionist resume professionally reviewed by select industry experts and check your receptionist resumes compliance with industry norms. Receptionist Resume For Fresher Now, let's talk about those professionals who are freshers for the profile of a receptionist. As it is obvious that freshers don't have any prior experience of being a receptionist, so, they cannot make a professional experience section as they won't be having anything to write in it. Now the question that arises is,'What section will they make then?' The answer is tThe 'internship section'. Yes. Internship section is what freshers will include in their receptionist resume in place of a professional experience section. If you've done any internships during your college years, then include them in this section. The format and the method of writing the points of this section will remain the same as explained earlier in the article. Receptionist Resume Objective Section Freshers in the profile of receptionist will make a receptionist resume objective section in place of a summary section. Just like we make the summary, you will scan your internship section to find points that were the highlight of your internships. Then rephrase them a little and write them in the receptionist resume objective section above. Instead of writing what you expect the company to provide you within the receptionist resume objective section, write what you can offer to the company as an ideal candidate. Receptionist Resume PDF Make your receptionist resume at Hiration's Online Resume Builder and get the option to download a PDF of your receptionist resume along with the following benefits: Unlimited PDF Downloads Shareable Link You get to download unlimited PDFs of your receptionist resume and also as your resume stays saved in the account itself, you can download the same receptionist resume anytime as well as many times as you want to. With this, you'll also get a sharable link of your receptionist resume. So, go and make your receptionist resume at Hiration's Online Resume Builder Today! Key Takeaways Highlight all the important words, phrases and numbers in the whole of your receptionist resume. Highlighting will ensure that you pass the 6-second test. On average, a recruiter reads a resume only for 6 seconds. By highlighting and bolding the words, you will ensure that the recruiter reads whatever you want him or her to read. Do not overdo the highlighting. Highlight only those words, phrases and numbers which are relevant to your target profile. For example: highlight where all you led a team, what all targets you were able to meet, what all methodologies you used, etc. Also, highlight only those words and phrases of which you have a good knowledge about as in the interview round there are high chances that the recruiter will ask questions around those highlighted words and phrases only. So, make the best use of highlighting the word and phrases and turn it into a benefit for you. When writing your points of the professional experience section and internship section do make use of bucketing to write similar points together. Buckets will basically be made of the broad level receptionist resume skills which you used in carrying out those duties. Highlight all the important numbers and achievements throughout the resume. This way, the recruiter can just read your highlighted words, phrases and number and can get an idea of your receptionist resume skills and achievements. In the professional experience section, make a separate key achievements section for every company that you worked in. In this section write the contribution, impact, result, etc specific to that company. To maximize the impact and coherence of your resume points, make sure they demonstrate the following three things: (a) your contribution (b) effect/impact and (c) corresponding achievement Draw a clear distinction between your points and title. To do that write the company name and your designation to the left and write the dates and location towards the right-hand side. Then start your resume points from the next line. Try to quantify all and every information that you write in your resume. Bring out as many numbers as you can. Do this throughout your resume. Numbers help in bringing out the impact that your duties had on the business which otherwise gets drowned out. If you don't remember the exact numbers, then you can always write a ballpark figure. Also, do not over quantify your resume. Write numbers only if they are significant to your target profile and if they increase the value of your resume. If you have any further queries around receptionist resume, then ask them out at and our receptionist resume experts will answer them.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How to Get a Big Law Job Callback Interview
How to Get a Big Law Job Callback Interview How to Get a Big Law Job Callback Interview If all goes well at your initial OCI summer associate interviews, youâll receive âcall backâ offers. A call back is an invitation to go to the firmâs office for a day, or half a day, and meet with a series of attorneys (associates and partners). Typically at least one meal is included in the schedule of events. If the office is in a different city from your law school, the firm will customarily pay for you to fly out and stay in a hotel (although itâs polite to try to schedule all of your callback interviews in a particular city for one time period, so the firms can share travel expenses). What Happens at a Call Back Callbacks are fairly straightforward. When you arrive at the firm, youâll typically meet with the recruiting coordinator, who will give you water, answer any pressing logistical questions, and perhaps tell you a bit about who youâll be interviewing with. (Ideally, you asked for the interview schedule in advance, so you had time to do recon on your interviewers. If not, listen carefully to the list now.) Your job when you meet the recruiting coordinator is basically to nod and smile. âSchool is going well, thanks for asking,â and so on. Do not ask any controversial questions at that point (or at any point during the day). If there are things that potentially concern you, you can always schedule a follow-up interview after you have the offer. After you meet with the recruiting coordinator, youâll go to your first lawyer interview. Do not expect that this person knows anything about you or has read your application materials. Attorneys are busy and may be filling in for someone who dropped out at the last minute. Be prepared to talk about yourself and answer very basic questions (which are clearly covered on your resume). Ideally, youâve practiced a few mildly amusing anecdotes about your time in law school (or any other safe topic) which you can use to fill time when your interviewer isnât particularly chatty or well prepared. Be sure you can talk about anything on your resume, and be sure youâve reviewed your writing sample and can discuss it knowledgeably. (And bring extra copies of all of your materials, in case you arrive for an interview and find the attorney has no idea who you are.) After 20-30 minutes, either the recruiting coordinator will come back to escort you to your next appointment, or the lawyer youâre talking with will take you there. (Watching attorneys try to find the next office can be a highly amusing diversion in large offices, where most people donât really know each other.) If you need a bathroom break, water, coffee, etc. feel free to ask. The Next Interview The next interview will be largely like the first, giving you the chance to further hone âyour storyline.â By the end of the day, youâll have told the same story to between 5 and 10 people, which is surprisingly exhausting! Just be prepared to be tired, and keep going. Itâs fine to ask the same basic questions of each person you talk to, so you donât have to drive yourself nuts trying to think up exciting new questions all day long. âWhat type of projects are you working on? Why did you choose to work at this firm? How do you like it?â are all fine. Keep it simple! At some point, youâll break for a meal, typically lunch. Often, youâll be sent to eat with two or three associates (and no partners). But donât kid yourself - this is still part of the interview and you should act accordingly. Be careful what you order (something easy to eat that isnât the most expensive item on the menu), donât drink, and donât get too friendly. These people will be reporting back on your behavior, so be professional. After lunch, you might have more interviews (a post-lunch coffee might not be the worst idea), or you might just circle back with the recruiting coordinator. In all cases, be on your best behavior! You must be polite to everyone you encounter, from the receptionist to the managing partner. Being rude to anyone can doom your offer. Following Up After the Interview Once you depart, consider following up with an email or hand-written note, thanking everyone you met for their time. Lawyers live by the billable hour, so every half hour interview cost the firm between $200 and $500 dollars, roughly. At a minimum, send a note to the recruiting coordinator, thanking him for a great day and reiterating your interest in the position. Then, itâs time to sit back and hope for the best! Firms hire on different schedules, so it might be a while before you hear (or you might have a voicemail before you get home). If you havenât heard from a firm for a few weeks, feel free to (politely) follow up. But, hopefully, you wonât have to wait too long!
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Key to Successful About Me Templates
The Key to Successful About Me Templates As a company owner, in case you haven't been burned due to your lack of an official agreement with a customer, your day is coming. Extra that you provide or services that you think ought to be included. You may deliver the very best service on earth. Also note that, based on your service, totally free events can get the job done as well as paid events, particularly for business-to-consumer professional services. Quite simply, you should inspire your employees. Some of the more prevalent offers to acquire customers to buy now are special discounts which are only valid before a particular date, a completely free present for purchases prior to a particular date, and rebates for purchase by a particular date. Just like in other parts of your business, they respond more favorably when you give them something of value at little or no charge. Your clients and prospects aren't really interested in your business or products. Package your merchandise toward that outcome, so you're always meeting the requirements of your customers. A business should not purchase an inordinate amount of inventory because the manufacturer has lowered the price to remove it. It should be buying the amount it needs to satisfy its customers. Many companies just do not hold accurate info on what their costs really are. The majority of your profits are likely to be made from additional sales to satisfied clients. Get to understand your market and you're going to find making sales much simpler. Successful businesses realize the caliber of their sales staff is crucial to sustaining their growth in the market. There are myriad free and low-cost tactics to publicize your enterprise. You might discover that your company is a revolving door of workers despite generous compensation and advantages. Some are ideal for a 1 person enterprise. Although your company is probably legally separate from your individual assets, a bank that considers giving you a business loan will probably ask for private collateral if your company has little real price. While it's possible to use the net to prepare an S Corporation, generally it's ideal to use an attorney, to be sure you do it correctly. If you're considering creating a marketing plan, you will need to start with an advertising program. To arrive at a definitive answer about which strategy will work best for you for any specific mailing there's just one solution. Your strategy must be to arrive at a solution that is going to be a win for both your business and the customer. Up in Arms About about Me Templates? Make an attempt to get to know people and learn how you are able to be a resource to them in ways that might or may not include your company. Don't allow it to be difficult for individuals to read your brochure. The one thing they care about is whether your products satisfy their needs. Being aware of what your company is worth is equally as critical as knowing the worth of your dwelling. Applying with the task targeted resume for each job is a great practice rather than sending same resume for each job. The absolute most important problem faced by student is the shortage of wisdom and skill to research on a specific topic. You must highlight certain abilities and experiences while putting in an application for a specific job. Has up-to-date abilities and the capability to learn new abilities and procedures easily. Life, Death and about Me Templates Regardless of the size of your organization, place a mental image in your mind like you're the biggest and most prosperous person in your industry. You may create a mockup inside a few minutes here. The table below is a good example of the sort of information you should think about retaining in your employee files. Well, you may certainly take a look at the t-shirt design PSD templates which are available online. Commercially available templates are often found in a wide array of fashions, colours, and function. You may customize the design according to your requirements. If you've got your design, it's possible to also add it to your t-shirt. What's more, available web templates are usually available with professional-looking graphics, and therefore you don't need to fret about aesthetics. Be certain the images are clear and appear professional. If you've got your artwork, it is possible to also upload it and put it on the t-shirt. The Hidden Truth About about Me Templates There are a few benefits to the corporate type of organization. Likewise in the event you actively involve your employees in the cost management procedure, you will secure the most out of them. A number of the info may be an estimate. If there is absolutely no feedback whatsoever, employees become complacent.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Resume for Medical Assistant Exposed
Resume for Medical Assistant Exposed There are many different varieties of healthcare assistants. They are an important part of the healthcare industry as they provide much needed support within healthcare facilities. They must be active listeners in order to understand and accurately record patient issues and specifications. A health assistant is somebody who handles two unique aspects of a health facility patient management and administration. In addition, there are a variety of various sorts of healthcare assistants. Such professionals have to make certain that sample reaches laboratory with no flaws. In the medical and healthcare professions, it is extremely important to keep accurate and detailed patient records. Doctors offices always require help. It's crucial to tell the hiring manager what degree you've got, and where you're licensed to practice in your Career Objective. Create a restart you will ship to companies who seek skill to start with. In addition, you can find out more about healthcare careers on Monster. Employing a Virtual Assistant could be the newest trend within the organization. Writing a resume can be a very hard job. There are lots of ways to format a resume. Below you'll come across the absolute best skills necessary to fulfill an administrative standing. While you must illuminate your abilities and abilities, you also have to employ an easy-to-read format and fashion. What You Don't Know About Resume for Medical Assistant Men and women wishing to enter into the health care assistant occupation is going to be offered with a variety of administrative or clinical duties. Although some medical office managers are only accountable for supervising the employees that are accountable for billing, others are required to do billing procedures themselves. Along with administrative duties, a Medical Assistant could be asked to do clerical and clinical work too. This example of a health assistant resume will give you a fundamental idea of the way to create a good resume. Medical assistants are in demand, but it doesn't indicate it will be simple to land work. A health assistant resume for externship is comparable to the usual resume, except emphasis is set on the related coursework or skills one acquired during the class of the medical assistant training regime. So as to compose a professional medical assistant resume, you must incorporate all appropriate details about your skills, education and a brief description of your personality. The very first senior medical assistant resume sample indicates the correct skills. You're so ready for your very first job for a phelbotomist! It's true you don't require a medical assistant program to find work. If you're looking to hire a health assistant then a medical assistant job description can assist you in putting out an advert. Medical assistants should know of personal and patient safety whatsoever times. Key Pieces of Resume for Medical Assistant Fortunately, there are several excellent samples and resources available to assist you craft the great professional resume. Don't forget that you're representing yourself as a skilled and will need to get taken seriously. A resume is among the most crucial documents you will ever write, which explains why you wish to do everything you can to ensure it is honest, inviting, and well written. Now it's time to start writing your own standout resume. Make certain your health care assistant resume objective establishes early on that you're qualified in the area, and that you're focused on your aims. If you are conversant with staffing, payroll, benefits and state compliance practices, you can make an objective that can help you stick out over other applicants. Actually, a lot of entry level jobs involve years of some kind of labour knowledge, thus an internship can be only an excellent ways to get a benefit. Some colleges have a whole lot of one-of-a-kind apps you may choose from, though some are hyper-specialized in a couple of regions of their expert trades. Your cover letter ought to be specifically written to deal with the requirements of the employer to which you're applying. Just be sure you incorporate the work title and a quick overview of what you were accountable for and what you achieved. The work description can be the best friend. The most suitable job description is simply the start.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Attached Is My Resume and How to Avoid It
A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Attached Is My Resume and How to Avoid It After you've written your extraordinary cover letter providing more info on your expertise and the way it is related to the job that you're applying for, it's critical to format it correctly before sending it to any recruiters. Explain who you are, why you're emailing and why you wish to work for the organization. The format is really straightforward. Begin with the business's website to get the name of the hiring manager. There are a number of different forms of email messages which may accompany this act. Lots of people want to learn the suitable method of mentioning email attachments. You are able to keep it short and easy, simply don't forgo formal language. Don't include as much information it looks sloppy. You merely put in the person's name and company and the application will respond with a large set of potential email addresses. There are an assortment of techniques and internet applications that may give you solid guesses at a person's email address. The 30-Second Trick for Attached Is My Resume You'll find my contact information near the top of my enclosed resume. You desire a crisp signature that conveys just the perfect quantity of information. It isn't uncommon for the normal person to have spiritual attachments. Locate a contact within the business and begin emailing them immediately. The 5-Minute Rule for Attached Is My Resume Just look at my attached resume and you'll see why. Even if the job is a part-time gig for fourteen days, it's well worth it. It's pure, unadulterated feeling for someone who might be quite special to you. You'll get there in time. In any event, finding steady clients is likely to require you to put some difficult work in. Like looking for a job, even if you're reasonably competent and do everything right, so are thousands of others on the market. It might be hard to land your very first couple of jobs because plenty of jobs ask you to have a completed project in Upwork. An EKG technician will start by understanding some basic rhythms and what's deemed normal. You might not know the hiring manager, but you probably know somebody who does. It is essential for the agent to be hardworking and comprehension of the value of their job. An additional tip, always remember to create your whole job application relevant and specific to the job which you're attempting to land. Keep in contact with the hiring manager. If you're on the hiring manager, perfect. Writing expert Bryan Garner states no. Google Austin Iuliano and you'll see my site among the very best hits. How you include a cover letter is dependent on just what the job posting instructions were. After all, it's that impression that results in an interview. There's a whole lot of advice online about ways to interview for work. Always comply with the directions when applying for employment and also search for a chance to incorporate a cover letter when you apply via email or on the internet. The Ideal Strategy for Attached Is My Resume Another oddity with attached please find is it's a command when it doesn't have to be. The aim of the resume is to have the reader to call you, not to tell your entire history. In case you decide you need or will need to incorporate a cover letter, you may either post the text directly in the email or attach it like a second file as well as your resume. It is possible to still attach your cover letter in another file, just make certain it matches the content of your cover email. What Does Attached Is My Resume Mean? During the duration of your p rofessional life, you can wind up in the job of forwarding an emailed resume to a third party. There are most likely hundreds of different examples of poor sentence construction, but you have the idea. A personal site provides you an enormous leg up from the remainder of the competition for the reason that it sets you apart. In order to guard ourselves against spirit attachment, it is necessary to heal ourselves. The 30-Second Trick for Attached Is My Resume Observing any instruction given in the description will offer your resume the very best possibility of reaching the most suitable recipient. Each subsequent levy demands another purchase. For this reason, you've got to put a little extra effort to craft a compelling letter. Mention SOMETHING in regards to the job for which you're applying.
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